Pink purks


I don’t think of pink when I think late Summer/early Fall blooms, but these caught my eye. I did not deliberately combine the two plants, but they caught my eye this morning for a couple of reasons.

1. My flowers on the deck in containers have been badly neglected and under appreciated all season. Still they have survived and are blooming on just for the sheer joy and happiness they bring to those who have appreciated then – the hummers and butterflies, and neighbors on the North side of the house.

2. It’s a great flower combo and a happy accident. The Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ is a survivor, living three years in a container, yet to kind a permanent home in my garden. Zinnias are a favorite garden stand-by that come in most every bright color, spark up a bare spot (or empty pot) and butter flies love them. The pink zinnias just happen to be last zinnia blooming. They came in a mixed color packet of seed because I don’t normally choose pink flowers.

There pink zinnias are hardy and late blooming, I’ll collect some seed and plant them again in the spring. If I had given them more attention, zinnias are a cut and come again flower, so I would have had even more blooms.

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