Look For This Plant
I loved these well behaved, mounding plants. Mine were not given the attention they deserved for best color and growth. They are charming. The containers were full and the small starter plants grew to fill their 12 in pots.
- Heuchera ‘Vienna’ from Terra Nova.
- Heuchera ‘Vienna’ says that it has reblooming dark pink flowers. Vienna had only one bloom time in my garden and they were beautiful and long lasting.
Heuchera ‘Vienna’ is amazing in its color, habit, and blooming. With veiled leaves orange to rose orange, a compact dense habit, and reblooming rose pink flowers in short wands. Vienna would be pretty in a collection of Heuchera or a standout in a garden where there is part sun, geat choice for containers. One of the City™ Series which bloom and bloom and bloom.
- Heucherella ‘Solar Power’ is more sun tolerant than most Heucherella. The lobed yellow gold to lime green leaves are splattered with deep red. It forms a large mound of color in sun or part shade. This Heucherella takes higher light levels than any yellow Heuchera or Heucherella. Good choice for an area that has more sun
In my garden, Solar Power had more sun than shade. If it had more shade than sun, it would stay lime green with centers of deep red. I enjoyed the golden yellow color that looked as though it was trying to soak up all the sun.
- Heucherella ‘Yellowstone Falls’ is the second in the trailing Heucherella series and has lovely chartreuse lobed leaves with deep crimson markings. The stems will trail 3 feet in a container making a wonderful hanging basket or a super ground cover.
In my garden Yellostone Falls did not trail at all. I love the vibrant color, next year: less sun, more water.
- Tiarella ‘Oregon Trail’ a strong trailing form with bold markings says Terra Nova®. For others, it is a rapid trailer or a wonderful ground cover in a shade garden. The leaves are deeply lobed and well marked. A very clean habit with a few, short spikes of white flowers. Works great in a hanging basket.
Oregon Trail prefers much more moisture than it got here. In fact, I thought I had the wrong plant because it didn’t look like the picture I had of Oregon Trail and it wasn’t trailing. But, only recently, with cooler temps and a bit more rain, I see that new growth is bright and vivid. I really like Oregon Trail, next year, I will move it to where it will get less sun and more water.
My favorite? Heuchera ‘Blackberry Crisp’ These tiny flowers seemed to last for ever.

Heuchera 'Blackberry Crisp'
Heuchera ‘Blackberry Crisp’ – sweet curly-leaved beauty. The first in our Crisp™ series with seriously crinkled and crisped margins. ‘Blackberry Crisp’ is also the first ruffled summer purple. It has a tight mounding habit with leaves that change for deep burgundy in the spring to deep purple to purple black.
Now, in mid October, the Blackberry Crisp is beautiful, dark and deeply colored. I think it would make a great accent in fall decorations, a color pop near the pumpkins and corn shucks.
About these plants:
- The plants were sent to me for trial in my southeast Missouri garden. The 2011 Terra Nova® Trial Plants arrived bright and healthy, just as yours should when you find them this spring at the garden centers.
- Mine received morning sun and late afternoon shade. We had record breaking heat in our very humid, zone 6 garden.
- These five plants were container grown with morning sun and late afternoon shade. Though they would have done better with more fertilizer and water, these plants are tougher than they look. All summer they showed no sign of insect damage or disease.
Terra Nova® are the plant geniuses who brought us tomato soup and ‘Mac’n’cheese’ echinacea.
You may recognize some of these outstanding Coreopsis introductions by Terra Nova®:
Coreopsis ‘Cherry Lemonade’, Coreopsis ‘Pineapple Pie’, Coreopsis ‘Pumpkin Pie’ photos: Terra Nova.
Terra Nova® Nurseries Wholesale Only

Heuchera 'Blackberry Crisp' leaves that change from burgundy in the spring to deep purple to purple black. photo:PBH