Look for this flower
French Marigold
Bonanza Deep Orange French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Marigolds are always in my garden. Every year Marigolds are included in the flower garden border. Faithful bloomers, even during the hottest of summer. Brilliant hot colors stretch into some of the last colors of the season.
Ball Horticulture sent this plant for trial last spring and I was happy to see it. Marigolds are drought tolerant, sturdy plants that need little care. It grew to about 10 inches tall, making a color splash where ever it is planted.
I’m not nuts about the fragrance of marigolds but I love their looks and the coninus blooms all summer. This plant is a season stretching annual, bloomimg nonstop until we get that hard frost some time in October or November.
Look for the mix of yellow, gold-red, and bicolor flowers. The double crested flowers are one of the largest marigold flowers that I’ve grown. These marigolds did not have any insect or disease problems.
This Bonanza Deep Orange Marigold has bright, intense color, required little water and minimal fertilizer. The mounded green plants faithfuly bloom throughout the summer drought. It takes a hard freeze to kill them.
Look for the plants or the seed. I can never have too many marigolds.
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