Trial seeds

Romaine lettuce fresh from the garden in mid June. It takes very few plants to get a meals worth of green beans. Photo by PBH
Harris Seed allowed me to trial 5 seed verities of seed, my choice after I reworked on my garden’s landscape with the help of the professionals from the Drake’s 7 Dees garden center. Later this summer, I’ll report on them all. For now, I want to tell you about these green beans and this beautiful Romaine lettuce. I’m telling you about these two vegetables because you still have time to grow a crop of beans. I’ll plant Kruger lettuce again this fall.
Lewis green beans – These beans are tender and fast growing. The plants are loaded with beans. Lewis green beans are beautiful long, straight and easy to pick. The beans did not have any disease or insect problems. There is some very minor insect damage on leaves. But the damage is so minor, it’ is not worth treating.
Kruger Romaine lettuce – This improved Parris Island Cos type is tall and medium green with no insect or disease problems. Kruger out-lasted other varieties and only bolted a full two or three weeks after other lettuce turned bitter. There is very little waste and needs little trimming.
This is the first time I have grown Harris Seed. They sell seeds, herbs, plants and garden supplies for home gardeners and professional growers. They have provided quality garden products for more than 100 years.