When I woke up to this view this morning, I was delighted. My front yard is golden and bright on this grey drizzly day. The yellow leaves seemed even brighter this rainy day.
All the leaves were on the tree last week when we left home. The lush green lawn was loving the cooler weather. We came home last night in the darkness of the time change. So, my first view of the front yard was this rainy morning.
I love leaves and when the weather gets drier, they will be moved to a huge pile of chopped leaves by the vegetable garden. The raised beds in front of the house will eventually get a layer of the chopped leaf mulch in a few weeks.
But first, there are a couple hundred Darwin tulips to be planted in front of the porch. These raised beds get the benefit of the morning sun and the blessing of afternoon shade. There are hundreds of daffodils already in these beds.
The daffodils thrive here and, because there are so many varieties, we will have weeks of early blooms. Some are fragrant and some have multiple flowers.
So, in the next few weeks, there is still plenty to do. Planting tulips and raking leaves are the perfect way to close down the gardening season.
Oh, yes, in the vegetable garden, there is still more garlic to plant. Every bed will get leaves dug into the soil and a layer of chopped leaves to cover the whole bed. The spring soil will be ready for planting a few weeks earlier than usual thanks to the investment in time this fall.
In a couple of days, I’ll wake to a brilliant sunny day. There will be a pot os slow simmering stew or chili either on the stove or in the crock pot. We will spend the day(s) raking leaves and getting ready for winter. When we are weary from a good days work outdoors, it will be time to come inside. We will step inside to a warm, fragrant kitchen and a simmering pot of vegetable soup.
Next Spring will include theses daffodils.

Colorful Darwin tulips are big and sturdy. This is the 2013 display. A few of these tulips may come back for a second year. We still need to plant the 200 bulbs for 2014.