Delivered Saturday, December 21, 2013
Common Name: Amaryllis Picotee, botanical name: Hippeastrum Picotee
I’m sending Amaryllis to Becky. They are big, colorful and, not-to-be-ignored.The ones in my home are just thinking about blooming this December. The leaved are just peeking up about two inches tall. I am hoping for a Valentines day appearance. But these giant blooms are just for Becky.

The beautiful white bloom towers over other Amaryllis, growing to as much a 3″. Photo by Patsy Bell Hobson.
These big blooms top tall stalks, between 2 and 3 feet high. Amaryllis can become top-heavy when the flowers begin to bloom, staking is helpful. Amaryllis are most successful when planted in heavy pots just a bit larger than the bulb.
The perfect spot for Amaryllis indoors is in bright light. Our zones 5 and 6 are too cold for growing Amaryllis as perennials. If this flower is meant to be an annual, simply keep the roots moist until finished flowering. Your Amaryllis does not need plant food.
Blooms are pure white with a slender red ribbon edge. Bloom season: flowers in 40-60 days indoors and mid spring outdoors. Becky I’m sending the giant flower in a light plastic container. It will grow in this container, or you can “double pot”, setting the container inside a heavier, more decorative planter.
*Becky Funke is in a hospital that does not allow flowers in the rooms. So, not to be deterred, I’ll send them on Pinterest. You can stop by her CaringBridge site to leave well wishes and get updates. The girls, her 3 beautiful daughters, keep the site up to date.