Today’s Harvest Basket
August 18, 2014
Squash, peppers, tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes
Today in the Kitchen
Canning salsa. I made a small batch of golden salsa with the giant yellow tomatoes and a mild red salsa with all the red varieties.

We need a few (NOT too many) hot peppers and paste tomatoes for the salsa.
We are eating zucchini every day. You might not always recognize it or know it, but we are eating zucchini every day. The summer squash glut is about to come to a halt. Thanks to the squash vine borers.
The cucumbers are finished for the year. Thank heavens they still have plenty at the farmers market. We have 4 jars of Bread and butter pickles and 4 jars of kosher dill spears.
Eight quarts of crushed tomatoes are canned, and we think we need more for all the soups and chili to come this winter.

2 quarts of cherry tomatoes. This is what I picked in two days. Photo: Patsy Bell Hobson
These cherries will go into the dehydrator. The food dryer is running 24-7 these days. So, I should have plenty of sun-dried tomatoes.
These are extra sweet cherry tomatoes, so when they dry and the flavor is concentrated – each little tomato becomes an explosion of sweet summer in your mouth.
What to do when the garden explodes: dehydrate
Cherry tomatoes are first to ripen
There comes a day
When every flat surface in the kitchen is covered with produce. I need to bake, dehydrate, freeze, and can today. So this is what’s for dinner:
Anti-pasta light supper or party platters is in your fridge

Anti-pasta for dinner. In Italian, anti-pasta means all your favorite (First course) stuff on one plate.