Honeycrisp, big, juicy, crisp.
Speaking of apples, they are here, every kind you can imagine. I had to take out a second mortgage to buy the first Honeycrisps that arrived in the area. They are big enough to share, crisp and sweet as any eating apple you ever tasted.
Because this young apple has quickly developed such a big following. The Grocer charges more than double the price of other apples.
It takes five to six years for Honeycrisp to produce fruit. They grow best in cold weather states, like Minnesota.
Honeycrisp apple is a cross between Macoun apple and Honey Gold apples. Developed by University of Minnesota.
It will not come true when grown from seed. Honeycrisp apple flowers must be pollinated by another apple variety. Even a crabapple will do.
They are pricey apples. But I love them for fresh eating. For making homemade applesauce, pies, fried apples, I choose a more affordable variety.
Applesauce or apple pie filling are a good idea to start home canning. The weather is cool, the work in your garden has slowed down, apples are plentiful most everywhere.
Apples as a first home canning project

Make it your own by adding cinnamon, brown sugar, ginger
This is a favorite apple pie recipe for a fall apple bounty.
Sausage and apple pie a fall favorite

Sweet Italian sausage and apple pie.
Make it a brunch dish using good breakfast sausage. For dinner, I use sweet Italian sausage. Honestly, I don’t need a reason, the pie is one my fall favorites.