GBBD 1/ 2015

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

January 15, 2015

The only thing blooming is a Meyer Lemon tree. GWA members were given seedlings years ago. Mine did not make it home.

Blooms everywhere.

Blooms everywhere. The leaves are looking better, greener, everyday.

However, this past summer, I bought a Meyer Lemon tree. It was on the clearance table at a garden center.

It sat, potted, on the patio wall. Lush and green, it was outside until threats of winter approached.

A few weeks ago, I noticed the pale, yellowing leaves and the dry container. Rescued once again, the 2 ‘ tree is thriving with gro=lights, fertilizer and water.

Then, the lemon tree began to bloom!

I am exited, because you don’t see many citrus trees in the Midwest. It has thorns. I snipped them off – like you do roses in a vase.

It is the only flower I have this January. Plus. the poinsettia from last month still looks good.



The true flowers are the tiny ones in the center. PBH 

*GWA: Garden Writers Association

What’s blooming in your garden on this January bloom day?

Join in for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day and show us what’s blooming in your garden now. It’s easy to participate. Thanks to Carol.

We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence

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