Category Archives: Ozarks Travel Examiner

travel through the Ozarks platteau in 5 states.

Must see Branson at Christmastime.

Branson is one big Christmas Card. All deorated in it’s holiday best, … Read More:

 5 must see Christmas events in Branson at Striped Pot.

Molly and Carter are the ships resident dogs. Learn more about the Titanic and the pets that were aboard when it set sail from London. Photo: PBH

There is always more to do and see in Branson than is possible. But if you do have time, stop by the Titanic Museum. Say Happy Birthday to  the ships’ dogs. Molly and Carter.

See the Titanic in it’s Edwardian Holiday best. Photo: PBH.

Buy Titanic tickets, see times and dates of special events. Your best price is through the Titanic Museum web site.

3 Best Christmas light displays:

  • Branson Area Festival of Lights. Through Dec. 31 at Dusk – 11 p.m.


  • Shepherd of the Hills Trail of Lights. Through Jan. 2 at Shepherd of the Hills Homestead


  • Holiday Light Tours at Ride the Ducks. Through Dec. 9 at Ride the Ducks – Splash’s Winter Wonderland




5 must see Christmas events in Branson at Striped Pot travel magazine.


For more holiday festivities, contact the Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce/CVB .


Proven Winners Señorita Blanca™ Cleome

 Look for this plant

Sometimes called a spider plant. I think it looks like the floral version of fireworks. Grandmother had an older variety that was harder to grow. This Señorita Blanca Cleome is draught tolerant and easy care. No deadheading or pruning needed.

This cleome doesn’t have the odor of earlier varieties. There are no seed pods. Photo: PBH

You can read more and see the cleome at Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

This color works well in a cutting garden or butterfly garden. The white blooms allow other plants to glow. The pale lavender tint compliments all the flowers.

I would recommend this annual to others and I will buy it again. There are no seed pods dropping everywhere because the Señorita Blanca Cleome plant is sterile.

Señorita Blanca Cleome. Non stop blooms through the record breaking heat and now in to cool short days of fall. Photo: pbh

Señorita uses it’s energy to bloom continuously, instead of making seed. I’ll take that improvement any day. From spring to first hard frost, these soft colored flowers on sturdy stems bloom nonstop.

During our record breaking heat, the cleome held it’s own. Growth slowed but did not stop. The plants received regular water and occasional liquid fertilizer.

Come spring, look for this plant at independent garden centers. When designing your containers this spring, keep Señorita Blanca Cleome in mind to add height to any container, perfect for cottage gardens, butterfly and cutting gardens.

Blooms from spring to last frost. Photo:PBH

This plant was sent to me by Proven Winners for trial. In my zone 6A, southeast Missouri garden. Señorita Blanca Cleome showed no signs of disease or insect problems.

If you had a hard time getting cleome to grow, them give them another try. Proven Winners has a better cleome.

Copia tomato

Season Finale

Very different looking  tomatoes when sliced. But all the tomatoes are slightly sweet and juicy. Photo: PBH

I am pulling the last of the tomato plants for the year. But before I do, I picked a half dozen Copia tomatoes.

No two are the same. Thin skinned. Easy to peal. Beautiful canned. Photo: PBH

For my zone 6, southeast Missouri garden, these tomatoes were mid to late producers. Copia was the last full size tomato that I picked. (It was also in the last BLT of the season.)

These tomatoes grow on big, sprawling vines. Place sturdy stakes or cages early.

Hub Pages has all the info on the beautiful and tasty heirloom.
Read More: Best and Beautiful Copia heirloom tomato.

I bought seeds at Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Each packet contains 20 seeds. Save any extra seeds in a cool, dry, dark location. You should be able to use these seeds for the next couple of years.

A cross between’Green Zebra’ and ‘Marvel Stripe,’ both excellent heirlooms. Photo: PBH.


Three blue vegetables for home gardeners

Dragon Tongue, eat fresh or leave on vine to fully mature for shelling beans. Photo: PBH

Dragon Tongue fresh tender snap beans. Close your eyes, and taste one of the best fresh snap beans. Prepare as you would any green beans.

To keep their color and tenderness, this bean is best served fresh. Excellent lightly steamed and served with chive or dill butter.

Rosa Biance eggplant, beautiful and mild flavored. No two look alike. Photo: PBH

Rosa Bianca eggplant is not bitter, an Italian heirloom eggplant. Creamy white teardrop shaped. Taste this eggplant and you will know why it has been around for generations.

The mild flavor of this eggplant is perfect for eggplant parmesean or vegetable lasagne.

Indigo Rose will be red on the side of thr fruit that is shaded and blue where it is exposed to full sun. Photo: PBH

Indigo Rose are very blue saladette size tomatoes. Very high in Anthocyanins.

Use fresh in salads, on kabobs or cut inhalf to dry (dehydrate)

The blue pigments, the Anthocyanins, are what makes the reds, purples and blues of fruits or vegetables. Anthocyanins have been linked to cancer fighting and anti aging benifits.

Read more about where to find these blue foods on My Hub Pages.


Todays Harvest Basket October 12, 2012

Riesentraube cherry tomatoes, weighing about a half an ounce or 3/4 an ounce. Earlier this season they were averaging 1 to 1 and 1/2 ounces. I pulled up this tomato vine today, ending the tomato season for the year.

The beautiful bicolor Copia tomato was producing half pound fruits in my garden. Other gardeners bragged about one pound fruits. I will grow these again because they are meaty and have few seeds.

Sweet and mild red cheese peppers. Use them like you do bell peppers. They make cute little stuffers.

Read my Hub Pages review of Copia tomatoes. Best tomatoes from seed: Copia heirloom

Copia, bicolor, full, juicy tomatoes. Thin skins, few seeds and generally yellow with red streaks.


Copia tomatoes do not grow or look the same. These slices all came from the same tomato vine, picked the same day.


Teamwork: annuals and perinnials

It would be hard to choose between annuals and perrenials. Either way would be more work and very limiting.  Annuals and perennials make a great team.

Frankly Scarlet daylily. A favorite easy care perennial. 4″ bloom, 24″ tall, Early-Mid Season + rebloom, a 2003 All-American Selection.

Eating locally and eating seasonally help us understand. When I first moved into our new house, the first thing I planted was asparagus. True, we would not benefit from this food source for three years. Every year after that and probably for as long as we lived there, this spring delacy would be ours to enjoy for years to come.

Until those whispy little asparagus ferns get bigger, there is plenty of sunshine in that garden to plant a few strawberry plants. Both asparagus and strawberries are considered perennials in my southeast Missouri USA garden (zone six)

A surprise to many gardeners, tomatoes are really a perennial. Well, not in my back yard. Where they are native, tomatoes are perennials. Most folks here in the U. S. treat them as annuals. At the first hint or suggestion of a frost, tomato plants just cry and die.

See The Hub Pages Report: Which is best? Annuals or Perinnials

I am glad that there are both annuals and perinnials. in my front yard, vegetable patch, patio containers.

Quills and Thrills new pink purple echinacea

Have you seen Quills and Thrills?

I like this perennial because it is a low maintenance rebloomer. These flower quills never roll out or unquill, they don’t fade and are blooming now, in October. It will continue to bloom until the first frost.

Blooms summer then again in fall. Photo: PBH

Before that frost, I’ll go out and cut a bouquet. These Quills and Thrills blooms, are on sturdy stems for a long lasting bouquet.

Hub Pages review on a New Echinacea Quills and Thrills

How cute is this? This coneflower is slightly fragrant. Photo: pbh

Coleus is big color and little work

In the afternoon shade, this beautiful coleus looks black.

Camilon-like color brings out the best in other plants. photo PBH

It looks good mixed with other leafy ornamentals like coleus and heuchera plants. I love coleus because it gives you color all season. Flowers are good for a week our two. But the coleus always has that color or texture or shape.

New coleus are being created very quickly these days. So, I like that they are a frost sensitive annual. To me it means I can try several new ones every year.

Read more about this annual plant the stays in beautiful shape, doesn’t get leggy, just needs water similar to any container plant. Look for this new Proven Winners selection in the Spring 2013. ↓

ColorBlaze® Marooned™ Coleus New 2013

Pinch Plants for Better Growth

More Hub pages Checkout my pepper and tomato reviews on HubPages.

Marooned is deep and dark maroon. It did well with morning sun and afternool shade. I don’t know why this new growth was green, but it eventually truned dark and stayed that way. Photo: PBH

Branson Loves Teachers

Read about the great teacher discounts and special offers in Branson all October.

These fall maples are a brilliant golden color. photo: PBH

Branson MO Loves Teachers  ← Click here to learn more.

Start your much deserved weekend with the show that started it all, the Baldknobbers Jamboree. Teachers receive the VIP rate of $16 (+tax). The Baldknobbers are still one of the best live music shows in Branson.

This entertaining Branson original has been packing them in for generations. If it’s been awhile since you’ve seen the Baldknobbers, make a reservation now. The show is packed with new songs, classic country music and the third generation of crazy comedians that will make you grateful you’re not related.

Baldknobbers Jamboree Music Show
2835 W Hwy 76 Box 1, Branson MO 65616
Toll-Free: 800-998-8908, Phone: 417-334-4528

from Branson MO Loves Teachers in the Examiner

Never Pass up a car wash

I believe in supporting the people who support our community.

Support local efforts in community betterment. These folks are trying to raise money the best way they know how.

A car wash and bake sale raising money for breast cancer. One of the counselors has breast cancer. Everyone pitched in to help.


























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