Less weeds and insect damage
Hanging Baskets for 3 seasons
- Spring salad greens
- Wave petunias, giant leafy ferns, tumbling begonias, cascading coleus.
- Dwarf green beans and radishes, baby carrots or turnips.

Merlot lettuce. This rich dark Merlot colored lettuce holds a color all season.
Mix it up.

Brune D’Hiver Lettuce is tender, mild little lettuce that works best with other mixed lettuces. It’s tender leaves and mild taste can not carry the salad by its self.
Mixed lettuces make the most colorful baskets.

Mixed salad greens are simple. As radishes grow and are harvested, giving more room for the lettuces to grow. Slim and tender young green onions can be pulled at any time.
Lettuce and flowers.

Pansies and lettuce.
Pansy flowers are edible and a colorful addition to your salad bowl.
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