Tag Archives: cat mint

Rain Relief

For a short time, a very short time this morning, there was sunshine. After having such a long rainy spell, I grabbed the camera and ran went out to document the fact.

yellow iris

after the rain, a brilliant yellow iris opens up, a little.

Having survived the constant rain, this pretty thing wasn’t going to miss a minute of bloom time.

The rain beat off the petals on the dogwoods, lilacs and the last of the daffodils.

Already, the rain is back. The only plants that still have flowers, are the ones in bud that refused to bloom until this damaging rain stopped.

The flood gates are closed. Many folk are sand bagging hoping to save thier home from the continuing rains. Huge, hundred year old trees have topled over onto many homes.


little lantana blooms


rainy Broccoli

The broccoli is tired of rain

Even the herbs and vegetables are just sitting in the soggy ground, not growing.

Still, it was nice to see the sun and remember what it looked like.

rain and chives

The chives are thinking of blooming regardless.

The Napeta (cat mint) is just waiting for a few hours of golden light to really produce those lavender flowers that the bees love so much. This is a favorite, long blooming, no fuss perennial. Makes a great mounding ground vover.

cat mint

nepta, ot cat mint

Now for a bit of a cat nap on this rainy afternoon. (I love to sleep when it is raining.) Isn’t this Iris a lovely color?


These dark purple buds be come Lavender blooms.

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