Tag Archives: Gold Medal

Today’s Harvest Basket 8/13/14

Today’s Harvest Basket August 13, 2014

Tomato, pepper, squash

summer squash, tomatoes and cherry tomato, sweet pepper

Some Gold Medal tomatoes look like they are tie-dyed.

Yellow Tomatoes

Big yellow Gold Medal tomatoes are the sweetest tomatoes I ever tasted. No two tomatoes look the same. Some tomatoes are all yellow, some have a dot or swirl of red. If you are seeing a big red splash on the outside of the tomato, it will look like that on the inside too.

Six tomatoes fill up the basket (+ a pint of cherry tomatoes.)

Six tomatoes fill up the basket (+ a pint of cherry tomatoes.)

It turns out that the yellow tomatoes are the star producers in the garden today. I picked six Gold Medal tomatoes today. Those 6 tomatoes weigh 8 pounds.

One more good thing about the yellow one-pounders, the ripe fruits tend to last a few days longer than other tomatoes once they are picked. Surprising for such a sweet tomato.

First offered to the public in 1921 as Ruby Gold  in John Lewis Child’s catalog in New York. Ben Quisenberry renamed it Gold Medal in his 1976 catalog: “The sweetest tomato you ever tasted.”

Too much water.

Too much water.

Our rainy spring and summer have caused this golden beauty to crack. It is unsightly but doesn’t affect the taste.

Today’s Harvest Basket 8/11/14

Today’s Harvest Basket August 11, 2014

Squash and tomatoes, plus a fruit jar full of herb cuttings. Mint and parsley will go into tabouleh.

Today's Harvest Basket 8: 11: 14

Mint in upper right, Italian flat leafed parsley in lower left.

Baby zucchini

The monster zucchini are now under control. I’m picking them at 7″ or so. Sliced lengthways and brushed with a hint of roasted garlic olive oil, these little tender squash and so, so good on the grill (or roasted in the oven)

In August, when the garden is in high production, I can easily be a vegetarian. That big yellow tomato weighs about a pound and a half.

Late blight has taken over most of the garden.

Late blight has taken over most of the tomatoes in the garden.

Yellow tomatoes

I hope to get one last flush of tomatoes before the plants succumb to late blight. Each of the tomatoes in this photo weigh well over a pound.

Heirloom tomatoes do not have the disease resistance that many hybrids do. But I challenge you to find a sweeter or prettier tomato than Gold Medal.

They are susceptible to late blight. I had the same problem a couple of years a go when I planted them.

But wait till I slice one open for you. Lovely meaty, yellow flesh with a splash of red radiating from the center.

Gold Medal Seedling

Gold Medal Seedling.

Generally speaking, it is not true that yellow tomatoes are less acid than red tomatoes. However, this big yellow tomato is less acid than most tomatoes.

Todays Harvest Basket 7/25/14

Today’s Harvest Basket, July 25, 2024

2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 2 zucchini

Hard to believe these two tomatoes are the same kind, growing side by side on the same vine.

Hard to believe these two tomatoes are the same kind, growing side by side on the same vine.

Today’s basket only contains 6 things. 2 cucumbers, 2 squash, 2 tomatoes. Those two tomatoes are big, and beautiful, weighing in at a combined total of about 2 1/2 pounds.

Gold Medal tomato

Growing just inches from the ground and wedged together against the tomato stake.

Growing wedged together.

There are four Gold Medal tomato plants this year. They are the sweetest tomato I have ever tasted. These two tomatoes were growing together  just six inched from the ground and so close to the tomato stake that the fruit grew into and around the medal support.

It was impossible to pick one without the other. Growing just inches from the ground, wedged together, against the tomato stake.

Solanum lycopersicum) Most of the tomatoes weigh in over a half a pound. By thinning the tomatoes, you will get fewer but bigger tomatoes.

The plants are huge and need strong support. Stake early and try to keep them well supported. This big plant will quickly get out of control.

These big one and two-pound tomatoes can easily snap off a tomato vine. The big yellow tomatoes need the sun protection of the foliage. Don’t over prune these big plants.

In fact,  one of these four big plants was a broken branch from one of the other three. If that happens to you, try this cloning method: How to make more tomato plants for free

Big, meaty, tomatoes good for fresh eating and canning

Big, meaty, tomatoes good for fresh eating and tomato sauce.

Originally named Ruby Gold by John Lewis Childs in his 1921 catalog. Ben Quisenberry

renamed it Gold Medal and listed it in his 1976 catalog describing it as “The sweetest tomato you ever tasted. The yellow with streaks of red makes them very attractive and a gourmet’s joy when sliced.”

It’s a beautiful, sweet tomato that is like slicing open a sunrise. Gold medal makes a beautiful salsa, the sweet taste balanced with the heat and spice.

Squash and BLTZ

Keep zucchini under control by picking it every day or every other day. These small, tender zucchini are great sliced length wise and grilled. Salt, pepper, olive oil – a little slice of heaven hot off the grill.

Keep picking them early and cooking them like this and you will never have too many zucchini. Or add the grilled slices to a BLT(Z).


Todays Harvest Basket Sept 18, 2012

Todays Harvest Basket Sept 18, 2012

End of the garden vegetables. A few green beans that haven’t been eaten up by the bugs. They will be steamed and served with lemon and chives. (RG)

Peppers are beautiful but smaller than usual this year.

The red peppers are Red Cheese, sweet and mild. So called because at one time the red pepper was used to color the wax used to coat cheese. (BC)

The black peppers are just barely hot Black Hungarian. Thinned walled (BC)

I picked a couple dozen TAM jalapeno. These peppers have the flavor of jalapeno but are with less heat. I’ll use some of these to make a bottle of pepper vinegar. (BC)

The yellow pepper is called Ozark Giant. It is big, thick walled, sweet and juicy. (BC)

A couple of beautiful Gold Medal tomatoes, also much smaller than usual. When sliced, these tomatoes are a beautiful gold yellow with red centers. Gold Medal is an heirloom with that rich  tomato flavor. (BC)

Riesentraube Tomatoes are the 30 or 40 sweet red 1-oz fruit (BC)  An excellent salad tomato and I have dried hundreds of these tomatoes this year. This winter they will go into soups, stew and chili. (BC)

There are some small eggplants that will be become a simple version of ratatouille to serve over pasta. There are three small eggplants in the upper right corner of the basket. The leaves of this plant are lacy with so many flea beetle holes. (RG)

Ozark Giant

Hungarian Black

Red Cheese


(RG) = Renee’s Garden

(BC) = Baker Creek Heirloom Seed

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