Today’s harvest basket, May 25, 2015

Thinning lettuce from My Garden Post (MGP)*
I’ve been snipping lettuce leaves and pulling radish and onions a few, each day, for a couple of weeks. But today I got a basket full. So, let this be 2015’s first harvest basket of the season.
There is enough lettuce for a sandwich or to add to store-bought lettuce. Radish and onion from our garden make it close to perfect.
This little bunny, maybe the third generation so for this spring, is “hiding” by the kitchen door. I can only hope this one does not like green beans.
I mix lettuces together when sowing. This allows for a beautiful variety when thinning and harvesting.
Slow to bolt and rarely bitter, Green Ice leaf-type lettuce, it’s wavy, fringed leaves are a dark green color and crisp.
Flashy trout back lettuce, a European heirloom Forellenschluse (Austrian for speckled like a trout’s back) romaine is a prized lettuce varieties. Soft, tender, juicy.
And so, without further ado,

Today’s harvest basket, May 28, 2015. Lettuce. onions, radish. PBH
Get off your knees! 
My Garden Post best dwarf tomatoes
Vertical Gardening with My Garden Post.
My Garden Post (MGP)* Cool Season Crops.