I just saw my neighbor run inside and turn out the lights. It was quite a sight. She is 90 and I had no idea she could move that fast. I think she saw me coming over with a basket of zucchini. I was going to leave it on her doorstep but I was afraid she would trip over it and fall down. In my head I hear, “You killed my mom with zucchini!”

Tatume – a Mexican variety favored in Texas, Raven – a traditional variety, and Clarimore, a Mediterranean squash.
So when Jules came home from work, he asked what’s for supper.
“zucchini casserole and zucchini slaw with pickled zucchini!” I said.
But we had toasted zucchini bread for breakfast, Jules whined.
“with zucchini jam!,” I reminded him.
Well, what’s for desert? he said.
“My famous and delicious chocolate zucchini cake!”
I was thinking that if I sounded excited about it (hence the exclamation marks) he would be excited about eating our fresh from the garden bounty.
Tomorrow, let’s go out to dinner, he said.
“I can’t! I can’t leave the zucchini that long. They will be two feet long by the time we come back.”
Last night, he put his foot down when he came into the kitchen and saw me with a recipe for making zucchini wine. (We went out to dinner.)
This is the first year I can remember having too much zucchini. Usually the squash bugs and squash vine borers attack the plants well before the zucchini get into peak production.
We have a house rule, if it’s too big for one person to carry into the kitchen, just roll it over to the compost pile.
Does Ripley’s Believe it or Not! have a zucchini record? If so, I think I have a contender.
Here are some real suggestions on how to manage your harvest.
Local Cook suggests “Hide it in desserts, such as Zucchini Brownies. Chocolate, like cheese, makes everything taste better! This brownie looks good enough to eat.
There’s an app for that
Just go to the iTunes store or Android marketplace or search for “Produce Converter”
You can’t go wrong with a Julia Child recipe. Julia Child’s Grated Zucchini sautéed in Butter and Shallots From Food.com
My bountiful harvest is from seed I got at Renee’s Garden. She just posted Zucchini pancakes recipe AND a photo contest.