Tag Archives: fruit trees.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day April 2010

Everyone who gardens in zone 6, has something growing or in bloom by now. My favorite small native trees, the redbuds and dogwoods are putting on quite a show.

Yellow Darwin tulips

tall white tulips have lasted longer than the reds and yellows.

Most of my tulips are in their last days. But these yellow Darwin tulips are stong and tall and have outlasted all the other tulips in the front garden. On the patio are some tall white tulips that are  holding their shape and lasting days.

taken overhead some white tulips are tall and beautifully shaped

taken overhead white tulips are tall and beautifully shaped

There are more of these Bakeri tulips this year than I planted last year.

Late bloomers came on strong after most of the tulips were gone.

There are a few species tulips that were late bloomers. Showy lilac-pink flowers with deep yellow centers  – I think they are late so they could have the bed to themselves.

The tag says “Speedwell.”

Also known as Veronica ‘Waterperry Blue’, this little groundcover likes it here in southeast Missouri and takes care of it’s self. It came in two little starter containers about two summers ago. It grows to 2″ tall and is adorned with a soft, light blue flower in masses. This is but one of many veronicas that can be used as ground cover. It will spread and flourish in your flower bed or work perfectly between stepping stones or in a rock garden.

There are dozens of Veronica varieties

Veronicas are deciduous, meaning they’ll drop their leaves in the fall. The daffodils came up right through the Speedwell and next the poppies will have no trouble poping up through the creeping veronica or Speedwell. I know a lot about this Speedwell because I remember where I got it and the tag is stll in the plant. The Speedwell is from STEPABLES.®.  Frances Hopkins the founder and CEO says STEPABLES® are earth-friendly, easy-to-maintain perennials that take foot traffic. Happy anniversary to STEPABLES,®.  2010 is Stepables 10th year in business. Consider these plants for a lawn alternative or to fill between stepping stone paths.

Just about 5" tall

These tiny Iris are look like a miniature version of the familiar ones.

This time last year I showed you my tiny lonely, native Iris cristata ‘Tennessee White’ (Tennessee White Woods Iris) They are a perfect white iris, just about 5” tall. This year we have couple of dozen iris growing beside an old tree stump.

Fruit trees escaped late freezes. Pink peach blossom and white apple blossoms.

trial peach tree is in a container and overwintered well.
These apple trees are two and three years old. We may have fruit for the first time this year.

This amazing tulip is exactly half yellow and half red.

I’ve never seen a tulip like this and I didn’t see any like this last year, which was their first spring.

Long lasting, standing up in a day of some rough winds

A tulip that could have been missed in a sea of red and yellow tulips.

frost damaged but still creating a bright spot in the landscape.

Autumn Cheer’s lovely medium pink blooms add a splash of spirit to any landscape. Encore’s Autumn Cheer is a small azalea with single pink blooms. I have several Azaleas, but this little one is a standout.

Tigger, the melon

This is Tigger, the melon. I mention it now because I am getting a lot of comments on Facebook about it.

I’ve never grown this midget melon before, but the seeds were free. So I am sharing with five other gardeners. I can do this because there are more seed than the 25 seeds the package promised.

Each melon is a single serving

Here is what I know.  I’ve seen the seed advertised in Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company and Territorial Seed Company.

The plants are heavy producers of baseball sized, white fleshed fruit. What caught my attention is these fragrant fruits are only about a pound when mature. That’s about all the cantaloupe-type fruit I want. Watermelons, pumpkins and cantaloupe rarely make an appearance in my garden because the sprawling plants take up a lot of garden space.

Because they are so small, I may try to grow them on a trellis. The seed packet says 80 days, Tigger will ripen about the same time the garden explodes with tomatoes.

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