Tag Archives: okra

Vegetables flowers are fall favorites

My Favorite Fall Flowers are Vegetables


The fruit may not be mature enough to harvest the pleasure of the lavender blooms make this plant garden worthy.

The eggplant may not be mature enough to harvest this fall. But, the pleasure of the continuous lavender blooms make this plant garden worthy.

The prettiest flowers still blooming in my garden, are vegetables. Next year, I’m growing okra in the flower beds. The big daffodil colored flowers are gorgeous.

Okra Flowers are as pretty in the flower bed as they are appropriate for the vegetable garden.

Okra Flowers are as pretty in the flower bed as they are right for the vegetable garden.

You may think of these flowers as vegetables. Even if you don’t eat okra, consider growing the plant just for the blooms. The big yellow discs look like the pink flowers of the hibiscus or sorrel plants.

img_2741The dried calyes of the hibiscus flower will be ruby-red tea this winter. The plant has beautiful garden-worthy flowers even though the goal is to produce tea. The pink flowers will bloom until frost.

One-inch lavender flowers of eggplants are blooming nonstop in this cooler season.  A light frost will kill the plants before the eggplant fruits are mature. I’m growing the eggplants for the flowers, not the vegetables.

Today I picked half a dozen Anaheim and Pablano peppers plus a pint basket of okra. All of these plants, the peppers, okra and the eggplants are blooming and thriving.

As you order seed for next spring, consider mixing some traditional vegetable crops into the flower beds. The prettiest flowers in the fall garden are vegetable plants.

Eggplant flowers are nonstop bloomers until frost.

Eggplant flowers are nonstop bloomers until frost.

It’s November, zone 6 in Missouri. Vegetable gardening could have been over two months ago. But, container grown vegetables have become the season extending flowers of the season.









Garden Bloggers Bloom Day 8/2015

GBBD August 2015


Moonflower Ipomoea alba just before bloom

Moonflower Ipomoea alba just before bloom.

Moon flowers are blooming wildly on these hot August nights.

A harsh winter and long rainy spring took its toll on spring blooms and my roses. But now, in the peak of production and seed making, many flowers are blooming with endless enthusiasm.

zinnia and nicotimia

zinnia and nicotinia

My zinnias have been the show off flowers this summer. Using galvanized watering cans, I’ve fill bucket of the back with zinnia arrangements. All the flowers are from a few packets of seed from Renee’s Garden. You can also contact experts from AtlantaTreeCompany.com to get your dream garden done with this beautiful plants.


The Neked Ladies or Surprise lilies have multiplied every year, becoming thicker and more beautiful.Surprise Lily

Since I am the only southerner in our home, okra seldom makes it into the garden. My husband, Mr TD&H, helpfully weeded all the okra seedlings out of the garden every year.

I love okra’s big, soft yellow flowers, so, I planted a few seed in the flower beds. The variety is over 8′ tall and steadily producing. Picked small, okra makes the best refrigerator pickles.

Make an extraordinary dish like authentic New Orleans Gumbo and even my California Dreamer will eat okra. Occasionally. Try my version of fried okra.

White Gladioli and purple Zinnias

White Gladioli and purple Zinnias

I was fortunate to meet Elizabeth Lawrence. In her book, she wrote: “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.”
As she signed my much used copy of the book, she said she was pleased that someone was actually putting the book to good use.

Carol of May Dreams Gardens started Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. On the 15th of every month, garden bloggers from all over the world publish what is currently blooming in their gardens, and leave a link in Mr. Linky and the comments of May Dreams Gardens.

It’s fun. GBBD ends up being a journal of your garden’s year round floral display.

Nicotiana alata

Little white trumpet flowers, Nicotiana alata are popping up where they please. They have volunteered from last years plants.

The old faithful geraniums, marigolds and nasturtium just keep on blooming nonstop. Rose of Sharon’s, Hydrangea and hibiscus are all in full bloom.

There is more, but you have other blogs to read and I need to water my flowers.

Thank you for stopping by. My garden is in southeast Missouri, zone 6b. There are porch chairs on every side of the house. The sun tea is brewing on the patio.

Stop by anytime to sit in the shade and have a cool drink. Should you be so inclined, there is also a pruner, a weeder and a watering can o each side of the house.

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