Straw Bale Gardening
I order seed and herb plants most every year from Nichols Garden Nursery in Albany,OR. I didn’t know much about herbs when I started my first herb garden. But, armed with a copy of Herb Companion and a seed catalog from Nichols, I plunged into culinary herbs.
I can’t say I have the same herbs I planted 20 years ago because I’ve moved. But I am starting a new garden with the same tools for success: herb plants or seed from Nichols Herbs and Rare Seeds Catalog and the most current news about herbs in Herb Companion Magazine.
This year my little garden will be expanded by adding straw bales for gardening. I learned about that from Rose Marie Nichols McGee. She tells all on her website.
Gardening friends and neighbors have always visited over the garden fence. This year Rose Marie and I are going to compare notes about our straw bale gardens by way of our blogs.
Heirloom Tomatoes are ordered and will be delivered from Abundant Acres by planting time. I’ll be planting some tomatoes by the traditional method and others in bales.
The straw bale gardening method is a new territory for me. I’ll keep you posted every step of the way, tracking what works and what doesn’t.
The exciting news is that you’ll also get to learn from the master, as Rose Marie shares here adventures in straw bale gardening.
One thing I know for sure because I’ve already ordered the seed, my bale will gave a little added color with Whirlybird Nasturtiums poked in some of the bales.

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