Look for this plant
This fringed hybrid tickseed is a scarlet color with white edges. It is a survivor of last years dreadful record breaking heat. It loves full sun and is hardy in zones 6-9. This is not your normal sunny yellow tickseed. The plant wizards at Terra Nova have exploded the Coreopsis color pallet with major breakthrough colors.
Really, if a plant can make it in my gardens, it definitely thrives on neglect. All these long bloomers got from me was water and a rare light feeding. Deadhead old flowers and you will be rewarded with repeated blooms all summer.
I’ll be looking for Coreopsis ‘Ruby Frost’ again this year. It was a bright spot in a full sun raised bed sorrounding the patio. Bees and butterflies love it. Go to the Terra Nova site to find the closest retailer. Terra Nova has a bright selection of Coreopsis, and some real standout Heucheras.
Terra Nova are the creators of the Echinacea ‘Tomato Soup’ and Echinacea ‘Now Cheesier’. Don’t even get me started on coneflowers – these breeders have raised the bar on Echineacea.

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