Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
GBBD is a way to share what is blooming in my garden on the 15th of the month.
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.
My garden is rather ragged. It’s only job is to make seed and die happy.
from May Dreams Gardens sponsors Bloom Day each month. Thank you, Carol.
The inspiration comes from this quote: “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
The hummers are flying all around the hanging baskets.
Wave™ Purple Improved Spreading Petunia
Caldwell Pink – This everblooming rose is a double, lilac-pink flowers. It is not very particular about soil conditions, but prefers a sunny open space. Some rosarians have suggested that this is the old China rose, ‘Pink Pet’, but we feel that it shows traces of Wichuraiana or Multiflora heritage and fits more naturally in the Polyantha class. The study name comes from a neighboring town, Caldwell, Texas, where this rose was found. – desciption is adapted from the Antique Rose Emporium.
My pink rose is about 2 1/5 feet tall. It continuously blooms except during the long streek of 100+ degree days.
A favorite poet of mine:
It is at the edge of a petal that love waits.
– William Carlos Williams, American poet (1883-1963)
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