Today’s Harvest Basket 8/29/14

Green beans, eggplant, onions, tomato

Today’s Harvest Basket, August 29, 2014

About a pound and a quarter of fresh green beans

About a pound and a quarter of fresh green beans

Green beans

are a favorite vegetable to grow and freeze for later use.  It has been a good year for green beans. The bean plants are a collection of seeds, the end of a couple of different seed packets. These bush beans are about 5 1/2″ long and straight.

With a long rainy spring, the first planting of beans was later than usual. Planting too early is a waste of seed. Beans do not like cool, wet soil and will rot.

These straight, skinny beans are tender and need very little cooking.

These straight, skinny beans are tender and need very little cooking. Photo: Patsy Bell Hobson

We’ve been planting short rows of beans, every 2 or 3 weeks. That has made for plenty of fresh green beans all summer. There is enough to freeze a few packages now and then.

I like the idea of freezing a couple of packages of beans when there are fresh green beans. It sure beats, having to set aside a full day for canning a big batch.

Green beans almondine – A quick and easy way to prepare fresh green beans is green beans almondine. Simply steam beans, toast sliced or slivered almonds. Brown butter, toss beans in the butter and sprinkle with almonds.

2 quarts of cherry tomatoes. This is two days worth of picking.

The invasion of the cherry tomatoes. Photo:pbh

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