Tag Archives: daffodils

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day April 15, 2017

It’s Garden Bloggers Bloom Day,

Saturday, April 15, 2017.

Easter Weekend.

GBBD is inspired by the words of Elizabeth Lawrence, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” 

April blooms are the reward of the back-breaking bulb planting last October.

I may have thousands of daffodils. Each year I add a few more and some will naturalize. If it’s a mild winter, spring will be spectacular. A long, sever winter will kill off many varieties.

 These double daffodils are on the patio. It’s a subtle color, but the blooms are huge. I’m looking forward to their return next year. Maybe they will multiply as well. If you have any decking needs, you can get them done from services here!

Poet’s daffodils

She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
“Winter is dead.”
A.A. Milne, When We Were Very Young

Thalia is One of my favorites. Thalia is an heirloom that offers beautifully scented white blooms. It’s no wonder this special variety is sometimes called the orchid narcissus.

Chillier, but daffodillier.
–The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 1991

Butter and Eggs Daffodil. A very old heirloom.

Once daffodils and tulips have gone by, add bone meal to the soil for next year’s blooms

Daffodils are both deer-resistant and rodent-proof, as these animals do not like the taste of the bulbs in the Narcissus family.

Tulips are putting on a display today too.

There is no such thing as a black tulip but this purple bloom looks black on a cloudy day. It is much smaller this year, but a repeat performer. Because of our mild winter, many tulips are blooming for a second year.

Don’t let folks tell you pink and orange clash. Mother-Nature doesn’t clash. I posted these tulips on Facebook and folks haven’t stopped with the positive comments.

I’m happy GBBD happens the mid month. In another week the tulips will be gone. Thank you for stopping by. You are always welcomed in my gardens.

♣  On the 15th of every month, garden bloggers come together to share what is currently blooming in their gardens.  Carol of May Dreams Gardens started Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. Get a signed copy of her new book, Potted and Pruned: Living a Gardening Life, on her website.

Patsy’s Vegetable Garden Update

The vegetable garden update

The vegetable garden update. See What’s Growing now, Including Today’s Harvest Basket and Plant Tips

Vegetables: My tomatoes are in the cold frame and about 6 inches tall, getting acclimated. So are the eggplants and a multitude of peppers. I’m growing  anchos, Anaheim, red, yellow, purple, chocolate and green color bell pepper plus a few padrone.

Herbs: There are lots of spring herbs already up and flavoring morning omelets. Chervil, chives, mint, cilantro are thriving,  There are 6 or 8 kinds of basil just in the seedling stage.



The Daffodils of National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month.

The daffodils are at their best.

What a great combination.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

By William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.



Daffodils and Tulips


this is infront of the porch. You can see these when you walking  on the next street over..

This is in front of the porch. You can see these when you walking on the next street over.  Photo by Patsy Bell Hobson

Not all daffodils are jonquils but all jonquils are daffodils.

Daffodil, narcissus or Jonquil?

  • “daffodil” refers to the large-flowered varieties,

  • “narcissus” to small-flowered and early blooming types bearing clusters of blossoms,

  • “Jonquil” denotes N. jonquils, often with fragrant, yellow flowers

What is the difference between daffodils and narcissus? They are the same. Narcissus is the Latin or botanical name for all daffodils. Daffodil is the common name for the genus Narcissus.

Old House Gardens has heirloom bulbs and will consume hours of your time reading and learning about these rare beauties.

One of my favorite bulb buying sites because daffodils and tulips just need to be planted in mass Color Blends.



Sunrise shines on these big Darwin tulips, especially beautiful in the early morning sun. photo by Patsy Bell Hobson

 In the catalog, blue tulips are advertised but the tulip that arrives on you front porch will be lavender.

There is no such thing as a blue tulip. Some look blue and are described as blue, but they are lilac or violet.

You won’t find truly black tulips either. Some tulips are very dark, like eggplants. They can look black in certain light, but black tulips do not exist.

Tulipa is a genus of bulbous flowering plants in the family Liliaceae.

Plant tulips anytime October through December – any time before the ground freezes. Feed tulips in the early spring, before they bloom.

 Stroll GardenIMG_6814: Grape hyacinth, some wild tulips, late daffodils.


Yellow tulips and daffodils, front porch.

Morning tulips2


Spring flowering bulb collection named Aladdin’s Carpet, The wild tulips blend of six of these beauties with three muscari and a dwarf daffodil. Tulips from Colorblends.


GBBD April 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
April 2014

Lots of blooms here in Southeast, MO USA
The wind and rain have taken their toll on the daffodils and tulips. Still, I have gazillions. And as delicate as they look, they have taken this cold wet weather and still stand proud.

The show stopper is the Doubletake Scarlet Storm Quince. Just came out last year. I bought two. The survived the winter. The head gardener came through and cut the other one, off at the ground.

Doubletake Scarlet Storm Quince

Doubletake Scarlet Storm Quince

Still, I love this flower. It is such a clear red and lasts longer than most spring blooms.

Bigger than most and so bright. I think this is Carlton

Bigger than most and so bright. I think this is Carlton


These sweet flowers kind of wide the waves of wind. For some reason, they just make me happy.










This is a little smaller, but also taller.There are usually two blooms on each stem.










Poets daffodil.

Poets daffodil. N. poeticus recurvus, PHEASANT’S EYE

The wind blew the peach blossoms of the tree pretty quick and I was not fast enough with the camera. So, I am sorry that I couldn’t share all those pink peach blossoms.

Magmolia.I always wanted to live somewhere that I could have magnolias and pine trees. So, now I do!

Magmolia.I always wanted to live somewhere that I could have magnolias and pine trees. So, now I do!

Yesterday. I ran out to take this photo. I am glad I did. There are probably half the blooms this morning.

this is infront of the porch. You can see these when you walking  on the next street over..

this is in front of the porch. You can see these when you walking on the next street over. The while ones are “Thalia.” They have two blooms per stem also. And they are fragrant.

The tulips are scarce this year. Was it the severe cold or is it just too early?

And finally, one more time for the quince. The crowd goes wild!  It is a small shrub and could fit into most any sunny garden.




Daffodil Days

It seems like the welcoming daffodils of spring came early and stayed late this year. I have at least six varieties of daffodils that I photographed. But I missed a few of the earliest blooms.

Some are known for early bloom and others known as late season bloomers. Several are fragrant. Daffodils have a very mild, gentle sent.

Daffodils stroll

Daffodils in the front yards, circle garden, iris bed outside circle garden

↓Thalia Nodding pure white flowers, usually 2 per stem, with narrow petals and a delicate cup. Thalia is excellent for massing at the edge of woods or in a shrub border.


There are usually two blooms per stem. So I think I’m getting more of a show per bulb. Photo PBH

Thalia is nearly 100 years old. It has proved to be an excellent perennializer. The bright white flowers are tough to photograph. Those brillant double blooms always seem to be overexposed. It combines very nicely with with other dafs.

Daffodils are naturalizing. Naturalization also means Take Over The World. But that is OK, it's a short bloom time.

Daffodils are naturalizing. Naturalization also means Take Over The World. But that is OK, it’s a short bloom time.

The above flowers are the standard issue big yellow daffodil. Probably Dutch Master of Marieke. There wer lots of them here when moved in and I’ve purchased  quiet a few. Because you can never have too many daffodils.

↑Dutch Master Dutch Master is the most widely grown of the yellow trumpets. Like King Alfred before it, it has become the standard early yellow daffodil. In fact, many suppliers still list King Alfred, but they almost always ship Dutch Master.

Marieke Here is a golden yellow daffodil that is sure to replace many older varieties. Its large flowers are beautifully proportioned, graceful despite their size, nicely scented and very long lasting. The name is pronounced mar-EE-keh.

daf ice follies

↑Ice Follies Very large, silvery white flowers with a wide lemon-yellow cup that turns white as the flowers mature. Ice Follies is one of the strongest-growiing daffodils ever and  great for naturalizing, North and South.

Butter and Eggs Daffodil

Butter and Eggs Daffodil Photo PBH

Butter and Eggs Authentic Southern heirloom – hardy north to zone 5 – that’s been a folk favorite and passalong plant for centuries. Its yellow petals are interspersed with shorter ones of gold to almost orange, and even snooty William Robinson in The English Flower Garden praised it, as “handsome and abundant.”

Daf last

The last daffodil blooms of the season are Actaea. Photo: PBH

Actaea Sweetly scented, snow-white flowers with scalloped petals and a small flat eye of yellow, edged bright red. Actaea is one of the last daffodils to flower and one of the best for naturalizing. It has brightened spring landscapes for almost a century. As the daffodil show slowsdown, the tulips, wild tulips, grape hyacinth and a number of early spring bulbs take center stage.

I didn’t plant as many tulips as usual because the dafs a quickly naturalizing those garden spaces. But the Iris are just starting to bloom. The first ones up, are the old fashioned purple iris.

Oh, yes, the Lilac are just beginning to bloom. As you can see, my favorite flower is what ever is blooming and my favorite season is what ever is next.

Bloom Day March 2011

Bloom Day March 2011 was grey and cloudy. And then, there was a windy day that was just exhausting said the daffodils. But this is their time to shine so I can’t simply ignore bloom day.

Almost every year I get asked what the difference between daffodils and jonquils?

Is narcissus the same as daffodil?

Narcissus: (Narcissus sp.) All daffodils, jonquils, and paperwhites are Narcissus genus. The genus Narcissus is a member of the Amaryllis family. Many folks use the word Narcissus when they are talking about paperwhites.

Daffodils: is the common name for all Narcissus bulbs. All daffodils are narcissus. When I hear the word “daffodil,” those large, trumpet-shaped flowers Narcissus pseudonarcissus come to mind.

Jonquils: are a specific type of daffodil known as Narcissus jonquilla. They are most easily identified by their dark green, tube-shaped leaves as compared to other types of daffodils which have flat leaves.

So, all jonquils are daffodils but not all daffodils are johnquils.

There are about a gazillion folks particpating in Bloom Day. You can’t see them all every month unless you are unemployed, retired, or a speed reader.

To visit other Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day participants, visit our host Carol at May Dreams Garden.

I always wanted to live somewhere where I could grow pine trees and magnolias. Really, I have lived most of my life in that area of the country, or very close to it. Of course, the little ones I planted will surely out live me. This little magnolia tree is loaded with bright white blooms and barely 3 feet tall.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day March 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day March 2010

Reluctant bloomers

It’s “slim pickins” in the garden as my grandmother used to say. But I have the random daffodil returning for a repeat performance this year. Most of the little sunny dafs are holding out for blue skies and warmer weather. Some grape hyacinth and crocus are waiting in the wings for spring days filled with sunshine and birdsong.

hesitant blooms may need more sun

This single plant has more than a dozen buds waiting to bloom.

I’m taking these photos for Bloom Day but most of these bulbs will have come and gone between Bloom Days.

There are early bloomers protected by the old trees, but the ones out in the yard are waiting, waiting, like me.

Daffodils protected by the tree and in full sun.

The earliest daffodils are leading the bulb bloom.

I’m sort of a homeless blogger this week as I get a new site up and running. These things always take more time than you think (like weeding and watering.)

Most of all I wanted to share this volunteer parsley. I’ve never had parsley that is indeed it’s true self; a biennial. I let last years second year parsley reseed. The plant was enormous, growing three or four times larger than my little “annual parsley.” The reseeded parsley is weeks ahead of the plants I am patiently waiting to sprout from seed. This year, I soaked the seed for 24 hours be for planting in the seed tray.

This is my herb growing tip of the month: Drain the soaked seed on a coffee filter. Seeds won’t stick to the filter like they do to paper towels.

reseeded parsley

Parsley and chives are up and growing before other herbs.

coffee filters are better than paper towels.

Seeds drained on coffee filters do not stick to the filter.

Lawn care and daffodils

March 2007
Gardening Forever

Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. – Lewis Grizzard

The Big Cover UP

There is no such thing as a maintenance-free lawn or garden. However, a lower maintenance lawn and garden are easily achieved. Nothing upgrades a lawns appearance faster than attractive organic mulch spread on the bare soil under all trees and shrubs. Spread two to three inches of shredded bark or bark nuggets over all bare soil in garden beds, along fence lines, or under trees.

The most popular mulches are bark chips or chunks, wood chips, shredded cedar or cypress, cocoa bean shells, straw and pine needles. Buying the right amount of mulch will save time, money and multiple trips to the garden center. Use these guidelines to estimate the right number of bags needed for a project.

Prepackaged mulch comes in two and three cubic feet bags. Select a bag size; generally, larger bags are more economical, smaller bags are easier to handle. One large 3 cu ft bag will cover 18 square feet with two inched of mulch. A smaller 2 cu ft bag of will cover 12 square feet with two inches of mulch.

Estimate the number of bags needed using the following formula.
Bag Size 2-inch depth 3-inch depth
2 cu ft 12 sq ft 8 sq ft
3 cu ft 18 sq ft 12 sq ft
For example, a garden area 10’ long x 40’ wide would be 400 sq ft. 400 divided by 8 (for a 3-inch depth) would, buy fifty 2-cu-ft bags.
Or, a 400 sq ft garden area divided by 12 (for a 3-inch depth) would result in thirty-four 3-cu-ft bags. (OK, math wizards, its 33⅓, not 34).

Keep mulch 2-3 inches away from the base of trees and shrubs and avoid the ‘Mulch Volcano’ some landscapers favor — it’s the wrong way to use the product or treat a plant. Piling mulch at the base of trees and shrubs is a common error. It can cause too much moisture retention promoting disease and insect infestation in the plants.

Occasionally freshen the look of mulch by moving it around. Raking the mulch moves composted material down into the soil and helps prevent airborne mold and fungus attacks.

After this years brutal winter, many trees will need to be removed or replaced. Tree trimmings from storm damaged trees are a good source of free mulch. For large areas that need mulch, remember that arborists usually pay to dispose of tree trimmings and will gladly give wood chips to you, if you want it all. Of course, truck size and content varies, but you may receive 10 cubic yards of wood chips free. Supplement with additional nitrogen.

Feed Daffodils Before They Bloom

The best time to apply fertilizer to spring-flowering bulbs is when foliage emerges in the spring, not when they are flowering. Roots are most active when the foliage emerges from the soil. Bulb roots actually begin to die at flowering, so fertilizing during bloom is a waste of fertilizer. An all-purpose fertilizer application when the plant begins to poke through the ground will provide nutrients for the bulbs to produce flowers next year. If your soil has plenty of phosphorus and potassium, and it probably does, fertilize with blood meal. This natural fertilizer promotes green leafy growth and is a fast acting source of nitrogen.

The best way to find out what the soil needs are is with a soil test. Chances are the lawn and the garden have different nutrient requirements. Do not use weed and feed combinations developed for the lawn, in your garden.

Deadhead the daffodils if you want, but leave the foliage until it dies back naturally. Energy from the foliage is transferred to the bulb, creating next year’s blooms. Leaving the foliage is the best investment you can make for next spring’s blooms.

When I went to pick up my friend for a round of golf, I found her in the garden poking golf t’s in the soil. Marge said “If I find bare spots or bulbs don’t come up this spring, I just mark the space with a T. In the fall, I’ll remember where to plant the new bulbs without disturbing the old ones.”

Plant brightly colored wooden golf t’s in your bulb beds to remind you where to fill in additional bulbs next fall. Don’t pull up the dying foliage and you’ll have time to squeeze in a round of golf between spring gardening chores.

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