Meet the 2011 All America Rose Selection: Dick Clark. This grandiflora is a chameleon of a rose. When these black-red buds open, it is always a surprise. No two blooms are the same.
There are more than a dozen flowers on the bush but no two are the same. The petals ripple with color. There are softer pink and yellow blooms and some bright fluorescent pinks. If you have room for just one rose, consider Dick Clark. It is like getting a bouquet cut from several different rose bushes.
Sometimes the blooms are cream edged and blended with cherry pink. In the sun, the petals may take on a blush of burgundy or a deep dark red. The color is always a delightful surprise.
I moved this rose closer to the patio just so I could enjoy the color show and the mild spicy fragrance. The smell is a sweet mild cinnamon. This May, my Dick Clark rose is covered with blooms.
When the hot, humid summer heat of zone 6 weather hits, the blooms will disappear. When it gets cooler, there will be a last hurrah of blooms.
I have not sprayed, chemically treated, or deadheaded this rose. It does need a good pruning just to keep a manageable shape. After the flush a blooms slows down, I will trim Dick Clark later this summer.
I recieved this rose bush as a trial, before it even had a name. So when the rose won the AARS award, mine was well established and waiting to be christened “Dick Clark.”