This is my favorite rain gauge. I’ve tried a lot of them, but this is a keeper.
I like it so much, that when these were on sale (they still are), I bought another one. I can see this gauge across the street in my garden. And the other one goes in the back where I can see it as I have coffee and water my deck flowers in the morning.
I like that this gauge has a bit of science and history. It works on Archimedes displacement theory
Gardeners love rain gauges so we can talk about the weather with some accuracy. If we don’t get that guide post amount of 1″ of rain every week, we know how much to water.
These gauges read different amounts because I added water to one, just to show you how they work. After this blog post, the shiny one is going to the back yard.
I don’t work for Gardener’s Supply. I just like this raingauge. Its durable, easy to read and attractive.
In fact, a substantial portion of my income goes to them annually and sadly does not com from them to me.
Bring it in, in the winter time and it will last for years.
By then, you will have figured out how to replace the inside piece youself
Get it here:
Gardener’s Supply
Floating Rain Gauge
Item # 39-047
Actually Gardeners Supply, you should hire me to do your Pinterest accout. I have so much of your stuff I could post daily until fall.