Tag Archives: Nepeta

GBBD May 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

To visit other Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day participants, visit our host Carol at May Dreams Garden.

I have many flowers this May. Thank you for coming by. We would have tea in the garden but it’s a bit too cool and breazy.

Yellow herb. I don’t remember what it is. I grew it from seed. this is the second year it’s come up, but the first time to bloom. It reminds me of a bad hair hair day.

Little Women Story Book rose.

Nepeta or cat mint









Dick Clark rose

Dick Clark is planted in the bed that surounds the patio. Plant this rose close by becaus you will want to see all colors. No two roses are alike. But they all have a delightful cinnamon fragrance.

Queen Elizabeth rose

I have two Queen Elizabeth roses, planted in large containers. They are so lovely, I have not decided on a permanant home for them. When I bought these roses, they were in the discount table at Lowes, reduced for qick sale. The queens were  happy to get a little food, water, and a  place to stretch their roots.

Japenese Red Maple











Did I mention all the rain we’ve been having in southeat Missouri? Yes, I’m tired of it too.

A yellow rose that came home without a label.


I do not know what kind of rose this is, It has been planted in my circle garden for about 4 years. It has that great old fashioned rose fragrance. There are lots of bright yellow blooms that fade to a soft yellow.  It has the most thorns of any rose I have.










Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2010

I love June.

Yes, there are lots of day lilies and cone flowers.

Day Lilies are bright and cheerful and at their best in June.

Everything in the garden is green and healthy. Later in the summer, plants get dusty and wilted or chewed and burned up by bugs and heat. There are lots of day lilies and cone flowers  in full bloom. The roses haven’t been attacked by the Japanese beetles yet.

Cone flowers ablaze, different varieties bloom at different times, extending the season

Before I share  my flowers, I wanted to show you this unobtrusive drip irrigation system for all 12 of the hanging baskets. Most of these plants are annuals and trial plants that are fun varieties new to me.

a thin black tube carries the water overhead

Raddish flowers

Spring raddishes hung on till the summer heat, then bolted, bloomed and are setting seed.  With all the beautiful flowers, sometimes it’s easy to overlook the  little blooms in the herb and vegetable garden. I’m focusing on edible blooms and vegetable flowers this Bloom Day.

Raddish seed pods look like little bean pods.

Herbs are at their best now and growing fast. Many, like this lilac colored geranium are edible.  Add the petals to a garden salad or,  garnish a dessert plate with these little flowers.

I vowed to keep the zucchini  in control this year. Harvesting squash blossoms, to stuff and fry is a tasty way to keep this beautiful vegetable from over populating the kitchen counter. Harvest these baby squash for grilling.

enjoy fried squash blossoms or grill baby zukes.

attracts bees

Nepeta, or catmint, is a member of the mint family.

Catmint (Nepeta), is a member of the mint family. It is easy to grow, has few pests or problems and attracts loads of pollinators to the garden. A few of these petit little blooms sprinkled on top of a dessert or a salad would be festive.

Carbon tomato plant is loaded with yellow blooms.

Growing fast, and delicate blooming while little fingerlings are growing in the ground.

onion flowers add a very mild, touch of onion flavor.

Onion flowers add just a hint of onion to poppy seed dressing, potato salad, rice wine vinegar or herb butter.

This rose was just begging to be photographed before the Japanese beetles invade.

And finally, these Jackson and Perkins roses just begged to be photographed before the Japanese beetles arrive. And, really it’s nice to end on a rosy note.

Thank you for visiting, please come again.

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