Tag Archives: Queen Elizabeth

Becky’s Flowers

delivered October 7 *

This is a Queen Elizabeth rose. You can’t walk past it without stopping for a deep smell. Maybe two. Because the rose smells as lovely as it looks. So, look at this sweet pink rose, then close your eyes and take a deep breath. It’s the deep, very classic, fragrance of your dreams.

The Queen in full bloom and fragrance.

I rescued this rose from the “last chance table” where all the half dead flowers are. This Queen Elizabeth rose greened right up in a big container on the deck. All it needed was food and water (+ sun).

Roses have a reputation for being difficult to grow. But the industry heard our complaint, “too much work!”  I think the rose industry first heard us when they put their hand in their own pocket and it came out empty. We weren’t buying roses. So now, there are many more low maintenance roses. (For example, Knockout roses.)

Even though tea roses still need more attention than other roses, it’s worth having a couple of these roses in my garden. Because a single pink bud of this Queen Elizabeth in a simple bud vase is as beautiful and a whole bunch of most other roses. The few rose bushes I have are far away from each other, crowded and, well mulched. This doesn’t solve all problems but it does reduce them and decreases disease from spreading.

This charming Queen Elizabeth rose always makes me think that it just may have inspired the phrase, “Stop and smell the roses.” It’s heavenly. Enjoy!


* Becky is in a hospital that does not allow flowers in the rooms. So, not to be deterred, I’ll send them on Pinterest.

All about Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth buds

Queen Elizabeth came home with me last summer. I found her on the discount shelf at Loews. Actually, I found a pair of Queen Elizabeth roses.

This solid pink rose was created in the United States in 1954. Second only to the “Peace” rose, Queen Elizabeth is the second most popular rose ever.

Queen Elizabeth was the first grandiflora rose whose flowers bloom singly on one stem, similar to hybrid tea roses. Grandiflora class represents the first true melding of hybrid tea and floribunda characteristics. From its hybrid tea parent the grandiflora inherits flower form and long cutting stems; from the floribunda side come increased hardiness and prolific, clustered blooms. Most grandiflora roses, although not all, are taller than either hybrid teas or floribundas.

The Queen in full bloom and fragrance.

Bred in the United States and introduced in 1954, ‘Queen Elizabeth’ was the first grandiflora rose introduced. The award-winning, pink-flowered cultivar is probably the second most popular rose of this century, after ‘Peace.’

Queen Elizabeth is truly royalty in the rose world. First of its class, known for its clear pink, double bloom, 4′ – 5’+, exhibition rose, AARS 1955, Portland gold medal 1954, ARS gold medal 1957, Golden Rose of The Hague 1968, World’s Favorite Rose 1979.

My Queen Elizabeth roses are planted in large platic containers. It’s not the most attractive planting, but it allowed me to remove them from their root-bound nursery containers. Once I find the perfect permanent home, they will be transplanted a final time.


Queen Elizabeth in the last days of bloom. Petals are rippled and pale.

So far, they have not had and insect or disease problems. Earlier, I neglected my pruning duties, so they are rather unwieldy in full bloom. Perhaps when the flowering stops, I’ll do a little pruning.

These clear pink blooms may be the perfect addition to your landscape. I found them by accident. But, now that I know how elegant thse blooms are, I am tempted to buy more.

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