Radish row markers

Pink Punch perfect globes that are crisp and mild.
- Put radishes to work in your spring garden. Because the seeds germinate quickly, plant them at the beginning and end of other vegetable rows as living markers.
- Mix in rows or blocks of lettuces and spring greens with radish seed to help space and thin young plants.
- Sow every two weeks throughout the spring, for an extended season. Save extra seed to sow again in the fall.

The first garden treats each spring are crunchy and spicy radishes.
The star of the salad garden was Crimson Crunch. A bright red radish with snow-white flesh, these perfectly round radishes are crisp and crunchy. If I could grow just one radish, it would be Crimson Crunch.
I planted these radishes in the corner of the garden and forgot about them. When I discovered them, they were huge. Probably, they measure 1 ½ inch diameter. And, they are NOT HOT!

Watermelon radishes.
These are beautiful red globes are solid and crispy, not spongy. Crimson Crunch is mild, perfectly smooth and round. This fall, they grew faster, milder and bigger than last spring.
Another pretty radish that is the star of my fall garden is the imported French Breakfast. Very crisp bi-color radishes, grow quickly in cylindrical shapes and perfect ball shapes.

Black radish, Purple Plum radish.
French Breakfast radish from Renee’s Garden includes both shapes in one packet. I still have a few in the ground, mostly just to see how well they keep.

Sparkler radishes are great dippers on the veggie tray.
When you order radish seed, order extra. They are always a good spring salad accent and I will always plant them in a fall garden. Red globe radishes have plenty of potassium, vitamin C and folate.
Because they come up so quickly, use radishes as row markers as you plant other vegetables in the garden. Mix them and plant in with lettuce and spinach greens. Peppery radish sprouts are great on salad or sandwiches.
Serving suggestions:
- Crostini with herb butter and radish slices.
- Add snow peas, chopped radish to chicken or tuna salad.
- Egg salad with grated radish and chopped chives
- Eat radishes slices with a thin layer of sweet butter or olive oil and light sprinkle of salt.

“Petit Dejeuner” radish. Thinly slice radishes and serve on a lightly buttered baguette slices.
Radishes are also the last thing out of the garden in the fall. In mid November after a couple of frosts, I picked radishes in my zone 6 southeast MO USA garden.
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