Tag Archives: tree

Been There

Despite days of back breaking sand bagging, I’ve seen the devastation of flood waters rising to the ceilings of homes.

I’ve seen the neighbor’s house literally blown away by a tornado that left my home standing.

Pay it forward.

You will never forget that desperate and exhausted voice saying “I can’t find my grandson,” or “I’ve lost everything.” It will haunt you.

How disorienting it is when every street sign in the city is missing. Or, when there is no phone, no electricity, no way to get help.

So, before we dismantle big government FEMA, and before dismantal Obama Care, think about what you would do if there was no one to pull you out of the rubble and rush you to the hospital.

What if suddenly you don’t even have a pair of underwear, or a toothbrush or any form of I.D?

You can’t find your pets, you can’t call your kids to tell them you are alive, you can’t afford to replace the car, even if there was a road to where  you used to live.



Try Vacation for Vacations

If you have a cut Christmas tree, look for a new product called Vacation. It will keep the tree green and fresh much longer. But I have to tell you how I use it – on potted poinsettia plants.


Vacation is biodegradable and contains no toxic chemicals.

Vacation can also be used on poinsettias and other potted plants to keep them from drying out. Just mix two capfuls of Vacation with a cup of water (or three ounces per gallon of water). Apply the solution as a watering to the entire pot until the soil is saturated. Poinsettias will then survive without water for up to two weeks.

You can be the sweetheart neighbor or daughter with the green thumb, if you add this to the potted poinsettias before you give them as gifts. It will keep Auntie from overwatering her plant if you include a tag. “ Do not water this plant until: January ____.” (Over watering is what kills most poinsetties at home).

Fresh Christmas Trees
Vacation, an all-natural plant anti-transpirant, will keep your Christmas tree fresh for up to three to four weeks. One 8-oz. bottle of Vacation with one gallon of water is all it takes. Vacation is biodegradable and contains no toxic chemicals.

Summer and Winter Vacations

Pretty Much Picasso

Supertunia® Pretty Much Picasso™ Petunia from Proven Winners survived a week's vacation with no water.

My summer vacation is no picnic for the plants left unattended while I am away. But now they can have Vacation when I am on vacation.

While you are getting the 8 oz bottle of Vacation, get an extra bottle because this product saved my container plants and a hanging basket last summer while I was on vacation. What a pleasure to come to home to blooming plants.

I only tell you about products I have used and Vacation saved my plants this summer and it is now keeping the poinsettia looking a lovely as when I brought it home.

An 8-ounce bottle of vacation sells for $14.95 online at Nature Hills. Or, find a retailer near you at Natural Industries

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