MPG The best dwarf tomato plants

MPG Best dwarf tomatoes

My Garden Post

Dwarf tomato plants are ideal for small garden spaces and container gardens on the deck or patio.

MGP tomatoes. Dwarf tomatoes for My Garden Post. Tiny plants bursting with classic home-grown fruit and flavor.

Bush 506 Container Tomato produces 9 ounce fruit-growing 18 -24 inches tall.

New Big Dwarf tomato. Photo:

  • This dwarf bush tomato plant will only reach 18-24″ tall and has a medium-large sized red juicy fruits. They are great for container growing as the plants stay compact and have thick, upright stems and they produce loads of 9 oz. fruit. One of the few full-sized tomatoes designed for container growing. 62 days Plant from The Tasteful Garden


New Big Dwarf Heirloom Tomato (This heirloom was “new” in 1915.)


The plants are “Dwarf” but the tomatoes are 8-12 oz. beefsteak. 60 days! (Plant from The Tasteful Garden The thick, sturdy stem of this small plant is strong enough to handle the weight of regular sized tomatoes.


“Litt’l Bites” Cherry Container Tomato

tomato-cherry_bites-02A sweet, cascading bite size tomato Early and compact, just 20 inches wide and 12 inches tall. (Seed from Renee’s Garden Exclusive.)

Dwarf tomato plants grow 24" tall.

Dwarf tomato plants grow 24″ tall.

Tomato success tips:

  • Keep tomatoes picked to encourage continuous production.
  • Watering schedule will need to be adjusted as the days get longer and hotter.
  • With little root space available in the planter, plants must be supported with good potting soil, once or twice daily water and regular diluted fertilizer or extended release fertilizer as recommended.

You might also want to try BushSteak Hybrid Tomato a Burpee Exclusive with compact (20-24″) plant. compact (20-24″) plant.

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MPG Diary May 6, 2015. Tomatoes. III PBH

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