Garden Bloggers Bloom Day October 15, 2011.
Things at my gardens are chaotic, flowers are running wild trying to get that last bloom on and produce that seed before the first freeze. These are perennial sunflowers.
“There’s no such thing.” said my husband, the botanist.
They look like sunflowers to me and they come back every year. Some times, I try to stake them up, but not this year. Its a riot of yellow sunflowers. Bees love this plant.
Then more chaos. The blank wall in this photo used to have a trellis. Thats it covering the sidewalk. The weight of all the flowers and the wind blew it down. It was too heavy for me to lift up. So I left it down for weeks.
I love these little trumpet flowers. So they bloom where where they lay. A few vines crept around the corner and over the rain barrel.
Marigolds a Russian sage are always in my garden. Marigolds will broom till the last gasp of fall.
More marigolds, many of them have gone to seed. I collect the seed and mix all the kinds together for planting next spring.
Camomile flowers, so bright and white though no bigger across than a dime.
Thank you May Dreams Gardens for hosting another month of GBBD.