Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and Vegetable Garden Report
Our Garden Bloggers Bloom Day hostess with the mostest is Carol at May Dreams Gardens.
Vegetable garden report. 6/15/12
Cucumbers, tomatoes and beans are blooming away. We’ve picked beans a couple of times already. I’m ready to harvest loads zucchini, as you can see on by my Pinterest Courgette board. Can’t wait to try that refrigerator zucchini pickle recipe.
I pulled up all the lettuce because it was so bitter.The chard is beautiful this summer. Who knows if we will have eggplants, the plants are being eaten up by bugs.
I lifted the garlic this week and it is curing in the shade. There are still onions, shallots and leeks in the garden. I thought I planted too many onions, but not so, we eat more green onions when they are handy and plentiful. The alliums and potatoes are busy growing underground.
We ate our first successful harvest of carrots last night in a cold pasta salad. There are a couple of celery plants, several kinds of basil, 6 or 8 pepper plants just blooming and a few setting fruit.